Clarus Financial Technology

Swaptions trading on SEF platforms

As we have now released Swaptions in SDRView Professional, I wanted to re-visit parts of my article “Swaptions Clearing, A More Detailed Look” and this time focus on trading On SEF versus Off SEF.


USD Straddles – ON SEF

Lets start with a chart of On SEF USD Swaption Straddles showing Notional vs Expiry for the business day of 14 Jan 2014.

And then the same information in a table:

From which we can observe that on this business day:


USD Straddles – Off SEF

Lets now compare with Off SEF trading on the same day.

From which we can observe that:


Straddles On SEF vs Off SEF

So on this one business day, we can see that On SEF is 60% and Off SEF is 40% of activity.

Comparing volume for the week 8 – 14 Jan, we see On SEF is $23.5b and Off SEF is $17.8b, so again close to 60% to 40%.

Looking at Expiry vs Tenor, there is more variation traded On SEF than Off SEF.


What about Payers & Receivers

We could repeat the above but selecting only Payers, only Receivers or both Payers & Receivers.

However except for presenting the table below, I will leave that to those of you who are interested to do yourself in SDRView.

From which we can observe that for Payers/Receivers on 14 Jan:


Where are the Exotics?

Well un-surprisingly there are none On SEF.

But there are trades Off SEF.

In-fact on 14-Jan there are:



Well that is it for today.

USD Swaptions trading activity is now highly visible. In terms of volume, expiry, tenor and strike.

On SEF represents on average 60% of Straddles volumes.

There is much more we are working on to improve visibility into Swaptions trading.

In the meantime, I invite you to explore for yourself in SDRView.


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