Clarus Financial Technology

Supplementary Leverage Ratio: Comparing US Banks

In my recent Basel III Leverage Ratio article I provided an introduction to this important new metric and today I will look at the Supplementary Leverage Ratio (SLR) disclosures published by the six largest US banks.


An underlying cause of the global financial crisis was the build-up of excessive on- and off-balance sheet leverage in banks which apparently still maintained strong risk-based capital ratios. Consequently the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) proposed the introduction of a simple, transparent, non-risk-based leverage ratio designed to act as a credible supplementary measure to the risk-based capital requirements.

Public disclosure requirements in a prescribed format started in 2015, to allow for calibration, comparison and a smooth transition by banks prior to regulatory implementation in 2018/19.

Leverage Ratio

The definition in the BCBS document is:

with a 3% minimum requirement, though subsequently some jurisdictions (e.g. US) have specified a buffer, resulting in higher ratios of 5% or 6% for global systemically important banks.

The Capital measure is Tier 1 Capital, which is mostly Common Equity.

The Exposure measure is the sum of on-balance sheet exposures, derivatives exposures, securities finance transaction exposures and off-balance sheet items.

Lets look at the data.

SLR Comparisons – 2016

Starting with the 2016 quarterly SLRs for the six largest US banks.

Showing that:

I expect some of these trends are down to a deliberate strategy to manage SLR to a target value and some down to the business mix and the business environment that these firms are in.

Interesting though that we see three different values (choices?) with 6.5%, 7% and 7.6%.

SLR can be increased by either increasing the Capital measure or decreasing the Exposure measure and decreased by doing the opposite, so lets look at which of these has happened for the six banks.

Capital Measures – 2016

First the trend in the Capital Measures.


So each firm has increased capital.

Citigroup by the least and Morgan Stanley and Bank of America by the most.

Exposure Measures – 2016

Showing that:

SLR Changes in 2016

This data on Capital and Exposure Measures tells us that:


Lets now take a deeper dive into the components of the Exposure measure for one of the banks.

Morgan Stanley Disclosures

The total exposure for each quarter can be broken down as below.

Showing that:

As Derivatives is our main area of interest, lets now dig deeper into the Derivatives exposure numbers.

Showing that:

Now we have an understanding of the components of the exposure measure, lets look at the key Derivatives measures for our six banks.

Derivative Exposures

Showing that:

So except for Citigroup, all the rest have lower Derivatives exposure.

Delving deeper into the trends of the main components; Add-on for PFE, Replacement Cost and Sold Credit Protection, we can ascertain the following:


Commonly we see a drop in Add-On for PFE and Sold Credit Protection for most firms.

Does this reflect a shrinking market for Derivatives?

Not necessarily.

The Add-On for PFE number utilises gross measures of notional and firms may be focused on optimising these by for instance compression of swaps, more cleared volume compared to bi-lateral, improvements in netting agreements for bi-lateral and similar notional reduction but risk neutral activities.

In-fact such management of Add-On for PFE and Leverage Ratios is becoming a more common post-trade optimisation activity and one that all firms should be doing to free up capital and leverage constraints in order to do more new business.

The reduction in Sold Credit Protection may also benefit from such optimisation, but looking at the two constituent disclosures of this number, it looks like a general reduction across the broad in selling credit protection, presumably Credit Derivatives.

That’s all for today.


SLR disclosures shed light on how these ratios are changing.

The six largest US banks are either at 6.5%, 7%, 7.6%.

Either higher capital or lower exposures has increased SLR for some firms.

Derivatives exposure is down, mainly driven by Add-on for PFE.

Most likely due to better management and optimisation of this measure.

Sold Credit Protection exposure is also down.

Possibly due to market demand and supply.

It will be interesting to look into more detail on 2017 trends.

A quick look at 1Q 2017 SLRs shows Morgan Stanley is up from 6.41% to 6.5%.

I intend to do so once we have a few quarters of 2017 SLR disclosures.

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