Clarus Financial Technology

SONIA Reform – What is Going On?

*Updated 18th May 2017 to correct the use of trimmed-mean (not median) for Reformed SONIA, with current SONIA volumes.

SONIA Reform – The Data

The Bank of England are leading the reform efforts for SONIA. Helpfully, they provide the actual data used to assess the intended reforms to the benchmark. The table below summarises the results of their empirical study:


On these last two points, it is important to note that the BoE has proposed to calculate Reformed SONIA as a “trimmed-mean”, based on the middle 50% of rates.  This should make it less sensitive to outliers than a median calculation, hence the methodology.

The change to “Reformed SONIA” will happen early next year (March or April 2018). The details of the changes are:

For those interested readers, there is a great summary in Box 1 of the Bank’s March 2017 consultation paper, along with lots of data on the actual fixings here and here.

SONIA Reform – Market Take-Up

As we looked at with Euribor reform last week, improving the fixing methodology is part of a two-pronged approach to improving our Rates markets. As well as these methodological changes to the fixings, regulators around the world are promoting the use of risk-free interest rate benchmarks (RFRs).

In light of which, it was interesting to see that the BoE last month announced that the Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates had chosen SONIA as its’ preferred benchmark. According to the press release:

This expression of market support for SONIA will act as a platform for further work to broaden and promote its use as an alternative to sterling Libor

The two candidates that could have replaced SONIA were £SONET (FTSE-Russell administered) and £RIR (Nex administered). These two other indices are based on secured transactions – i.e. the repo market. I wonder if swap dealers the market over breathed a small sigh of relief that they can continue discounting at (unsecured) OIS rather than secured.

SONIA Market – The Data

With these upcoming changes and a regulatory tailwind, the outlook for SONIA markets looks pretty rosy. There are no solid timelines for when markets are expected to shift away from Libor to SONIA, so I thought we should start the conversation rolling by looking at the current state of play.

How dominant is Libor in GBP Rates markets at present?

SDRView Data

From SDRView, we can take both trade counts and trade notionals to estimate what percentage of the entire market is SONIA-based versus Libor-based.

Percentage of trades transacted versus Sonia. Notional (RH axis) and Trade Count (LH axis).


The spike in SONIA activity last year coincided with Brexit, as market participants hedged any monetary policy responses from the BoE. Relative activity in SONIA markets has dropped since, with no sign that markets are naturally moving towards SONIA as their benchmark of choice.

Tenor Profile

As a 30-second primer on the SONIA markets, here are a few key numbers to put the SONIA and Libor markets in perspective. From our SDR data, we see that:

Consistent with other OIS markets, we can therefore say that SONIA trades relatively infrequently, in large notional size, but short maturities.

The two charts below show the Tenor profile on a trade-count basis for both SONIA and LIBOR markets:

Tenor Profile of LIBOR markets in 2017 by Trade Count
Tenor Profile of SONIA markets in 2017 by Trade Count

These charts paint a fairly clear picture. For markets to fully transition to SONIA as the benchmark of choice, liquidity in maturities greater than 2 years will have to be transformed.

CCPView Data

Finally, we can take a look at the global Cleared markets in SONIA and LIBOR in CCPView. CCPView data paints the same picture of GBP Rates markets as we found in SDRView (which represents around 30% of the total cleared GBP Rates market).

CCPView provides an added element of granularity over and above SDR data – a split between Dealer and Client activity:

Percentage of Notional traded versus SONIA in GBP Rates Markets for both Dealer and Client activity


Other Market Impacts

Talking of liquidity, there is another huge pool of LIBOR-based liquidity – futures. In the case of GBP STIRs, we are talking about ICE (LIFFE) futures.




What would a SONIA-based future look like? We have examples of monthly Fed Funds contracts in the US to reference. Or we could imagine a future that cash-settles against e.g. 3 month or 1 month SONIA. Or versus MPC-dated SONIA trades.

However, when we look at the trade level data for the last month in SDRView:

SONIA trades in the past month


In Summary

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