Clarus Financial Technology

RFR Adoption July 2023

RFR Adoption is Increasing Again

The latest edition of the ISDA-Clarus RFR Adoption Indicator was published earlier this week. You can find the full report over on the ISDA website here. As always, we provide a look into the data:


SOFR Trading Increases

As long-time readers well know by now, USD markets (and hence SOFR) make up the largest portion of the overall RFR Adoption Indicator. SOFR adoption increased to a new all time high last month, hence moving the total Adoption Indicator higher:


Looking at the other currencies in the graphic above;

Fed Funds Trading

Continuing from last month’s blog, the Clarus API makes the monitoring of these market structure trends very simple. As I continue to highlight, the volatility in SOFR adoption is not because people are still trading USD LIBOR – they are not:

Only tiny amounts of USD-LIBOR linked products are now traded – all of which will be risk reducing/portfolio maintenance.

Rather, the USD market is now a true “dual rate” regime, whereby market participant’s preference for trading either Fed Funds or SOFR changes month-on-month. And this preference is volatile. From the CCPView API:


It is worth noting that this looks to be a uniquely OTC phenomenon. When looking at the split of CME futures between Fed Funds and SOFR, it is pretty consistent month to month:

CCPView chart showing split of CME USD ETD volumes between Fed Funds futures and SOFR futures.

It seems strange that OTC and ETD markets should behave so differently in this one metric and yet so similarly in most others (i.e. if volumes go up in ETD, they go up in OTC and vice versa). One to monitor.

In Summary

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