Clarus Financial Technology

NDF Volumes – It’s all about Clearing

A Brief Recap

Our SDRView data products display trades reported by US Persons to trade repositories and is available close-to-real-time. From previous estimates, we know that the portion of the NDF market that this covers is around 38%, providing a guide to overall market activity.

The exact proportion of the NDF market covered by SDRView is derived from April 2016 BIS data. In our subsequent analysis, we use this percentage as a scaling factor to estimate overall NDF market activity during subsequent months:


We will therefore assume that SDRView consistently accounts for 38% of the overall market in our subsequent analysis.

Analysing NDF markets via Clarus data

CCPView provides global coverage of cleared OTC derivatives. The chart below shows weekly cleared volumes of NDFs since the first week of September. Almost every week since the introduction of the Uncleared Margin Rules has resulted in record volumes of NDFs being cleared:


We know from monitoring volumes in IRS that December in particular has been a high volume month so far – as was November. So it is useful to put this growth in NDF volumes in perspective. Are we seeing generally higher volumes or is more of the market being cleared this month than last?

We therefore combine this cleared data with the SDRView data and the scalar from above (i.e. 38%). This allows us to estimate what percentage of the whole market is being cleared across time:

During each month, we assume that SDRView consistently reports 38% of the market. We therefore see the following evolution of Clearing in NDFs during 2016:


Our data sources therefore show not only that NDF volumes have been increasing recently, but that clearing has consistently grown at a faster rate, becoming an ever more significant portion of volumes since the UMRs were introduced.

D2D Market

SEFView provides venue-by-venue volume data for derivatives traded across SEFs. From our deep-dive into the USDBRL market, we also know that clearing is particularly prevalent in the D2D space. Therefore, let’s also use SEFView to compare volumes on D2D venues with what is currently being cleared:


In Summary

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