Clarus Financial Technology

Migrating to Cloud – An Insider’s Guide

In earlier blogs we have discovered the agility inherent in Cloud, but how do organisations manage to tap into this, with all their legacy systems?  In this blog we will cover the strategy and issues involved in migrating a large systems estate.

We will start by assuming foundational Cloud concerns for financial organisations such as regulator engagement, user and data management, systems placement strategy, project charge-backs, cyber monitoring and operations (such as OS standards, anti-virus, utilisation, failover etc.) have all been addressed.  In reality each of these is a major area of work in its own right, but we will skip these for today, so we can think about migration itself.

The 6 Rs – a standardised approach for migration strategy

While financial organisations have been cautious in embracing Cloud, an unexpected benefit is that the experiences of other companies provide learning on how to perform a successful migration.  This approach is commonly called the 6 Rs: Retain, Retire, Rehost, Replatform, Repurchase and Refactor.

Let’s start with the easiest – Retain and Retire.

It is not a given that all systems should be deployed on Cloud.  There are many underlying reasons: some may be too mission-critical; they may be required to run in a specific location; their operating costs might be very low; their software might not run on Cloud (mainframe solutions), etc.  Whatever the reason, these systems will continue to operate on-premises.

Other systems could just be turned off, but no-one has been able to do so previously.  These may have been workarounds or point solutions which already have replacements available, but the cost/effort of the work to move to the replacement has never been prioritised due to the low relative ROI. 

Having identified the systems to omit, the rest should be migratable.  In deciding how to move each one, there are basically four choices:

Migration Scheduling

Having identified the right approach for each system, the next stage is to plan the migration sequencing itself. 

Each of the 6-Rs requires different steps to migrate a system, with their own costs, management and delivery implications:

Link: AWS cloud migration

Additionally, each organisation will have its own view on the investment available and operational risk appetite for the migration. 

By categorising the inventory of systems that can be migrated along dimensions such as migration complexity, regulatory complexity, costs, systems integration, data classification, user base etc., it is possible to collate systems into tiers of low, medium, moderate and high overall migration risk.

Typically, organisations start with a small number of the low risk systems (i.e. those with no major regulatory, reputational or technical challenges) to demonstrate the feasibility of migrating, whilst establishing standard approaches (or patterns) that can be followed by similar systems.  These initial migrations also prove out that the foundational elements mentioned earlier work as intended or if not, can be modified with low impact.

This method can then be repeated with the next tier of systems, again identifying the patterns for migration and modifying foundational elements as needed.  Formalising the migration via successive risk tiers in this way helps (and informs) conversations with regulators, by providing transparency and demonstrating that controls are in place both for the migration itself and subsequent normal operations.

In addition, the patterns can be followed by many IT and business teams across the organisation, allowing multiple systems in a tier to be migrated concurrently and shortening the overall time to move to Cloud.

Rehosting challenges

Whilst Rehosting appears the simplest approach to migration, legacy vendor systems can present significant challenges:

In such situations, it is often helpful to think about the functionality of the vendor system that is actually being used, and whether this can be partially or fully replaced by one or more SaaS solutions (i.e. adopting a hybrid rehost/repurchase migration).

Removing reliance on some of the vendor system features can reduce the integration and IT management effort post migration, as well as simplifying discussions with the vendor on licensing and the scope of software changes.


Adopting a structured migration approach supports a low risk, learnings-based way to adopt Cloud, that can scale out across the organisation.

The 6-R model provides a successful way to select the appropriate migration for each system, and risk-based tiering helps drive the timing of migrations.

Migrating legacy vendor systems can present significant challenges due to the dependency on the vendor(s) to assist, given their own commercial interests.

SaaS vendors such as Clarus are built natively for the Cloud and offer significant advantages in ease of use, scale, availability and cost.

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