Clarus Financial Technology

Liquidity Conditions in USD Swaps

Rolling Average USSW10 LiquidityLiquidity often feels ephemeral and fleeting when you’re trying to transact. To counteract this, it is beneficial to quantify liquidity conditions, taking the subjectivity out of something that feels difficult to define.

Our lead chart this week therefore measures liquidity in USD Swaps. As you can see in the chart to the right, the Index reading is currently at the highs and has been increasing. The elevated level of this index shows a lack of liquidity in USD swap markets right now. Read on for an explanation.

Daily Liquidity

The measure of liquidity that we prefer is a Price Dispersion Index, as we have explored in several previous blogs. Motivated by research from the Bank of England in terms of SEF liquidity, we now measure liquidity on a daily basis (and in real-time via our API).

Looking at the daily time-series of liquidity conditions in 10 year USD Swaps shows why liquidity can feel so fleeting:

Daily Liquidity Index for USSW10 (10 year USD Swaps)


The Maths

We’ve defined the equations used before for this index, but here is a quick refresher for those interested. Our choice of liquidity measure is a volume weighted price dispersion index:
\( \tag {1} DispVW_{i,t} = \sqrt{\sum\limits_{k=1}^{N_{i,t}}\frac{Vlm_{k,i,t}}{Vlm_{i,t}}(\frac {P_{k,i,t}-\bar{P_{i,t}}}{\bar{P_{i,t}}})^2}\)

\(N_{i,t}\) is the total number of trades executed for contract i on day t, e.g. how many 10y trades occurred on the 24th of June 2016?
\(P_{k,i,t}\) is the execution price of transaction k, i.e. the price of a particular 10y trade on the 24th June 2016.
\( \bar{P_{i,t}}\) is the average execution price on contract i and day t, e.g. what was the average price of all 10y trades done on 24th June 2016.
\( Vlm_{k,i,t}\) is the volume of transaction k e.g. the size of the 10 year trade we are looking at on 24th June and
\(Vlm_{i,t}=\sum_{k}Vlm_{k,i,t}\) is the total volume for contract i on day t. e.g. the total volume of 10 years traded on the 24th June.

Deciphering the Values

It might look like a meaningless time-series at first, but the problem of deciphering a pattern from the noise is nothing new for financial markets. Let’s use the most simple of techniques – a moving average (or two) to get some meaning from the data:

Liquidity of 10 year USD Swaps


This last point can be attributed to two effects:

  1. Liquidity shocks, when they do happen, are very large. Therefore, on days when liquidity is poor, it is exceptionally poor compared to other days (i.e. we see a very high index reading). The inclusion of this single day within the time-series therefore has a large effect on the average for 30 more days.
  2. Similar liquidity conditions tend to cluster together. Therefore, if we experience a good liquidity day, it is more likely to be followed by another good liquidity day. This suggests that liquidity begets liquidity (and illiquidity begets illiquidity).

With further index design, we could negate effect number 1 using a kind of volatility scaling within the 30 day averaging period – similar to how Clearing Houses apply a smoothing co-efficient to returns.

It is effect number (2) that seems most relevant to markets.

At first, I thought this was maybe related to volumes – despite the volume weighted nature of this index, do we simply see larger price dispersion as more trades and of larger size go through the market? However, a cursory glance at daily 10 year volumes shows this not to be the case (chart on the right). And the R-squared coefficient is less than 1% between the index values and volumes, showing no correlation between the two at all.

However, effect number (2) could be caused by an increase in the CME-LCH basis spread. Recall that we are looking at the price dispersion from an average price. SDR records are not marked-up with the DCO of the swap. We have previously explored identifying the CCP of trades from the SDR, but this particular piece of analysis does not account for it. An increase in the CCP basis will therefore lead to an increase in the price dispersion index. Filtering out these trades would improve the index.

Having said that, if the index were solely related to the CCP Basis, we would expect some type of relationship between volumes and the index level. We do not see this.


My main conclusions are as follows:

We’ll continue to monitor this over the coming weeks.

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