We look at recent Average Daily Volume (ADV) and Open Interest (OI) of the major IR futures:
- Money Market and Bond Futures
- Relative size by ADV and OI on a comparable dollar notional basis
- Trends and market share in SOFR, SONIA and GBP Libor
MM Futures in major ccys
In CCPView we select MM Futures in the six major derivative currencies plus BRL and CHF.
- USD at CME the largest with $3.6 trillion ADV in Feb-21, from Eurodollar, FedFunds and SOFR
- EUR at ICE, the next largest with $1 trillion ADV from Euribor
- GBP at ICE & LCH, not far behind with $950 billion ADV in Feb-21
- CAD at TMX with $90 billion
- AUD at ASX with $70 billion
- BRL at B3 with $35 billion
- CHF at ICE with $30 billion
- JPY at TFX with $2 billion
And changing to Open Interest and by futures contract within currency.
- CME Eurodollar by far the largest with $11.3 trillion
- CME FedFunds with $5.9 trillion
- ICE Euribor $4.3 trillion
- ICE Short Sterling $3.2 trillion
- CME SOFR $1.8 trillion
- TMX BAX $1.2 trillion
- ASX Bank Bill Futures $700 billion
- B3 1D IB Deposit $450 billion
- ICE Sonia $290 billion
- ICE EuroSwiss $270 billion
- TFX Euroyen $210 billion
- CurveGlobal Sterling $200 billion
Bond Futures in major ccys
Next in CCPView we select bond futures in these currencies.
- USD at CME, by far the largest with $790 billion ADV in Feb-21
- EUR at Eurex, the next largest with $300 billion ADV
- GBP at ICE with $63 billion
- JPY at JPX with $53 billion
- AUD at ASX with $36 billion
- CAD at TMX with $22 billion
And changing to Open Interest.
- CME T-Note and T-Bond with $1.5 trillion OI
- Eurex Bond Futures with $680 billion
- ASX Australian Bonds with $200 billion
- JPX JGB with $160 billion
- ICE Long Gilt with $80 billion
- TMX CGB with $66 billion
Let’s next turn to Risk Free Rates, SOFR and SONIA.
SOFR Futures
- Steadily increasing ADV from $190 billon to $290 billion
- CME SOFR with $240 billion ADV (over the first 3-weeks in March)
- ICE SOFR with $50 billion
- CME SOFR ADV share increasing from 60% to 83% over the period
- ICE SOFR ADV share dropping from 40% to 17%
- While in OI terms CME share is 93% and ICE 7%
SONIA Futures
- Steadily increasing ADV and a sharp jump in Feb-21 (market volatility)
- ICE SONIA with £124 billion ADV (over the first 3-weeks in March)
- CurveGlobal SONIA with £12.9 billion ADV
- CME SONIA with £9.5 billion
- ICE ADV share ranging from 72% to 88% over the period
- CME ADV a high of 25% in Sep-20 and 7% in Mar-21
- CurveGlobal up from 2% in Sep-20, a high of 20% in Jan-21 and 9% in Mar-21
- (See CurveGlobal 12-month trading fee waiver from Oct-20)
- The current OI share is ICE 81%, CurveGlobal 11% and CME 8%
Sterling Libor Futures
Finally lets see what impact the CurveGlobal trading fee waiver is having in sterling Libor.
- Flat ADV up to Jan-21 but then a big jump in Feb-21 (market volatility)
- ADV in Mar-21 at £380 billion more than double the Sonia ADV
- ICE SONIA with £364 billion ADV (over the first 3-weeks in March)
- CurveGlobal SONIA with £22 billion ADV
- CurveGlobal ADV share a high of 9% in Jan-21 and now 5.7%
- So the trading fee waiver having a significant impact here too
- ICE with a high of 99.6% ADV share and now 94.3%
- Current OI share is ICE 93.6%, CurveGlobal 6.4%
That’s It
CCPView has data on all major IR Futures.
Daily Volumes, Open Interest and ADVs.
To compare volume trends and market share trends.
In number of contracts, currency or dollar terms.
As we near the end of Libor.
The SOFR and SONIA contracts are ones to keep a close eye on.
If you are interested in this data, please contact us