Clarus Financial Technology

FRTB Vega Risk Charge

Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

I am going to dig deep into the calculations required to explain the FRTB Standardised Approach for option products. This first blog will tackle the Vega Risk charge. Whilst the commentary concentrates on Rates products, the methodology is extensible into all other asset classes.

Our reference document throughout is the BCBS January 2016 publication “Minimum Capital Requirements for Market Risk.” With a working (and recently updatedISDA SIMM IM model in Excel, the similarities of the calculations are striking. It may also be beneficial to take a look at my first blog on FRTB Excel Calculations.

If you are interested in replicating the calculations yourself, I would take a look at ISDA SIMM in Excel for more detailed explanations of the Excel formulae.

1. Risk Inputs

We first find the sensitivity to each risk factor. This is the input to our FRTB model. For Vega Risk, these risk factors are defined by a volatility grid.

The “two dimensions” referred to are simply the maturities of both the option expiry and the underlying swap. Our inputs are therefore the following sensitivities:

Swaptions Vega Grid


As a side note, whilst ISDA SIMM collapses this grid so that Vega is described along a single axis, FRTB approaches Vega risk in a different manner. This has implications for data manipulation down the line. FRTB is more akin to how we look at Swaption volumes in SDRView Pro:

USD Swaptions volumes for Friday 3rd February 2017

2. Risk Weightings

We now apply the appropriate risk weighting to the grid of Vega risks. The FRTB documentation defines the Risk Weighting as:

\( \tag {1} RW_{k}  =  min \big[ 0.55 \frac{\sqrt{60}}{\sqrt{10}}; 100 \% \big] \)

Which in essence means that the Vega Risk Weight is a single point vector equal to 100% for Interest Rates. This is a particular quirk in the FRTB documentation. The \( \sqrt{60} \) is a variable by risk class, but there are only large cap equities that actually result in a risk weight less than 100%. It would have been easier just to say that…..hey ho.

My Vega Weighted Sensitivities that I need to carry forward now look…exactly the same as my input sensitivities! At least this bit is simple then.

Weighted Sensitivities

3. Correlations (a.k.a “the fun part”)

Last week we had the joy of creating a new co-variance matrix to combine Delta IM amounts for a multiple currency portfolio in ISDA SIMM. Turns out, that was merely a warm up act for Vega Risk in FRTB.

For our grid of Vega Risks, we must now define the co-variance of each point with every other point. This is defined as:

\( \tag {2} ρ_{kl}  =  min \big[ ρ_{kl}^{(Expiry)}.ρ_{kl}^{(UnderlyingMaturity)}; 1 \big] \)


Meaning that we have to look at the maturity of both the option expiry and the swap itself to know what correlation factor to apply. This presents some nice spreadsheeting challenges in Excel!

The FRTB formula to calculate each \( ρ_{kl} \) looks fairly daunting:

\( \tag {3} ρ_{kl}  =  e^{-α.\frac {|T_{k}-T_{l}|}{min(T_{k};T_{l})} }\)

In reality, α is equal to 1% and we are just multiplying it by the ratio of the maturity difference divided by the shortest maturity. Fairly simple….

The key thing is that we have to calculate \( ρ_{kl}\) for both the option expiries and the underlying swap maturities. That gives us a very large grid of co-variance.

4. Calculate all Vega Correlations according to Equation (3)

This interim step gives us a very large co-variance matrix of expiries and underlying swap maturities:

Complete Covariance Matrix for Vega Risk


5. Vega Risk Charge

The aggregation formula that is used to calculate the Vega Risk Charge under FRTB is identical to the one used to calculate the Delta Risk Charge:

\( \tag {4} \large K_{b} = \sqrt{\sum\limits_{k}{WS_{k}^2+{\sum\limits_{k}}{\sum\limits_{(k)≠(l)}ρ_{kl}WS_{k}WS_{l}}}}\)


\( {WS_{k}}\) is the Vega Sensitivity at a given tenor multiplied by the Vega risk weighting.

\({ρ_{k,l}}\) represents the correlation of the “WS” terms from one tenor (“risk vertex”) to the next. These correlations (co-variances) are the ones calculated in our large grid above.

This presents us with a challenge in Excel. How do we combine each cell in the below grid with the huge co-variance matrix?

 x  = ?

I broke this down into the following steps in Excel:

Individual Co-variance Matrices

What this says is:

This implementation in Excel may not be the most succinct way to do it, of that I am convinced. But it makes error-tracking and sanity checking fairly straightforward, as all of the calculations are very granular. Feel free to contact us if you have other suggestions on how to achieve the same.

6. Nearly Calculate the FRTB Vega Risk Charge

For our simple portfolio of two risk factors, we have the following calculation grid:

Vega Risk Charge

7. Run the Scenarios for Vega Risk Charge

Our final step is a familiar one. As we explored in our first FRTB calculations, the biggest difference to ISDA SIMM is that we must multiply our correlations (\( ρ_{kl}\) from above) by 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25 before we find out the final Risk Charge. In the case of Vega Risk, this means that we must multiply the large co-variance matrix (and all of its’ 50 child matrices) by 0.75, 1.0 and 1.25. The ultimate Risk Charge is the largest of the three results.

This takes us to the end of today’s calculations. Our original FRTB blog shows how to perform the same calculations across multiple currencies.

In Summary

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