Clarus Financial Technology

AUD Cross Currency Swaps

AUD Cross Currency Swaps

Time to focus on a smaller market this week. We’re often told that some of the smaller segments of the market are surprisingly well covered in the SDR data. So I took a look at the BIS statistics to see which areas of the market perhaps weren’t so well covered there. Using their natty new Statistics Explorer, I looked at Cross Currency swaps:


BIS Statistics Explorer

The exact query is (freely) accessible here.

Despite using these statistics a fair bit, I was surprised to see that I couldn’t drill down into an AUD/USD time-series.

Fortunately, there is AUD/USD data within the Triennial Survey – but that means that our latest data point is back from 2013. Not quite the real-time transparency Clarus likes in the Swaps markets! Nonetheless, let’s start this blog with that and finish with it later:

BIS Triennial Survey

Full data-table here. Table 2.5, “Page 6” as labelled.


Let’s therefore see what the SDR data shows us about AUD/USD Cross Currency swaps, and bring these data points up to date.

Average Daily Volumes

We’ll run virtually all of our SDR data through the SDRView CustomView screen, as it’s the most flexible way to run a variety of queries within our apps now. We can see the actual daily volumes during 2015 here:

SDRView Custom Query showing daily volumes in 2015 for Cross Currency Basis swaps in AUD/USD

Exporting those to Excel, for 2015 we see:

Average Daily Volumes each month during 2014 and 2015

As the chart says, apart from a peak in February of this year, it is surprisingly stable.

Average Trade Sizes

The below figures should be taken with a pinch of salt. Due to the distorting nature of capped notionals, we can only get a rough idea of average trade sizes.

This year, those figures have varied a fair bit. This probably represents the fact that this is a flow-driven market, therefore the exact tenor being traded may vary considerably as different tenor bonds are issued (for example, the Apple Kangaroo issue in August). The chart below shows the variation by month. It is worth noting that the YTD average trade size has been AUD115m:

Average Trade Sizes in AUD/USD. These are presented more as a point of interest than “fact”, due to capped notional reporting.

Trade Volume and Price by Tenor

As we said, this variation in average trade size will be, to some extent, down to a change in tenor profile as different flows are hedged through the market. All we have to do is look at the past 60 days in SDRView Pro to see that there is trading across the whole curve:

SDRView Pro gives us real-time and historic volume/price data for AUD/USD cross currency swaps

Showing volume wise:

And price wise:

Execution Venues

We can see from SDRView that there is a large proportion of the AUD/USD XCCY swaps market traded on-SEF. This has been the case all the way back to 2014:

Total AUD/USD volumes from SDRView Res CustomView. Monthly aggregation, Jan 2015 – Sep 2015

And if we look at those same figures in percentage terms for the same periods in 2014 and 15, we can see again that this has been very stable:

Time-series of SEF market penetration of SDR reported trades in AUD/USD cross currency swaps


In reality, the numbers are probably a little bit more skewed towards off-SEF trading when we take into account large notional trades. If we look at the number of trades that are capped in size, only 10% of on-SEF trades are capped, whilst off-SEF that figure can rise to 20% for some time periods. Nevertheless, it is an impressive performance by the SEF platforms.

Which SEFs are on-top?

Using SEFView, we can of course see who is winning the daily market-share battle in AUD/USD swaps.

SEFView AUD/USD Cross Currency Swap Volumes

And the same chart on a percentage share basis shows:

SEFView Market Share Percentages AUD/USD Cross Currency Swaps

Giving us on a YTD basis:

And in Summary

If you cast your mind back some 1000 words, we stated that the average daily volume in April 2013 for AUD/USD cross currency swaps was $6bn, of which $3bn were dealer-to-dealer flows (source: BIS). Even without any clearing or execution mandates around these swaps, we have trade-by-trade volume and price information for:

The point of the blog? I know I would prefer to look at 20% of the trading landscape in real-time than 100% of the landscape with a 3 year time-lag. Couple in the fact that we know how it traded, when it traded and at what price it traded, and a market doesn’t have to have an execution mandate to yield valuable and timely data.

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