Clarus Financial Technology

10.7% of New Risk Traded versus an RFR

The latest ISDA-Clarus RFR Adoption Indicator has been published for May 2021. It saw an increase to 10.7%, a small increase from last month. When will the big leaps happen?


Behind the Data

Digging into CCPView for the actual DV01 data, May 2021 was still a relatively subdued month in terms of overall trading activity:


The amount of activity in most currencies was stable between April and May 2021. However, the amount of SONIA risk traded increased by 19% month-on-month. This was a key component in helping to move the RFR adoption indicator higher this month.

Which is Bigger – SONIA or SOFR?

RFR markets continue to be characterised by the huge size of SONIA and SOFR compared to everything else. Yes, SONIA retook the crown as largest RFR market last month (as measured by both Notional and/or DV01), but the size of the SOFR market should not be underestimated. It just so happens the overall size of the USD Rates market is so big of course!


What is Happening in JPY?

Our particularly eagle-eyed readers may have noticed a heartbeat in the hitherto quiet JPY TONA market. The adoption indicator improved to 6.8% here, a record high that seemingly came from nowhere. Recall we were stuck at just 3.9% last month!

However, we should not put too much of a positive slant on this reading. Activity in JPY Rates markets was VERY subdued last month, dropping to the lowest total risk traded that we have seen on record. This may just be a consequence of subdued trading conditions, but is certainly something to keep an eye on. Certainly, TONA did not hit any records in terms of the absolute amount of risk traded. You can read more about the possibility of a multiple-rate approach for JPY Rates in our blog from last week:

In Summary

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